Distance from Ghanche to Skardu
Distance between ghanche, gilgit-baltistan, pakistan and skardu, baltistan, pakistan is 110.8KM.
How to find distance
You can find the distance between any two cities, towns, or visiting locations of Pakistan by filling the above form, type name of your source location in "From" Textbox and your destination location in "To" textbox and click on "Find Distance" button.
If you want to find distance from your current location, then just type name of your destination in "To" textbox and click "Find Distance" button.
If you want to find distance of any particular visiting location in a city, then just type name of that visiting location in "To" textbox and click "Find Distance" button. Distance will be calculated from the main location in that city.
You can also explore the distance between those cities through the map given below. If you want to visit that city or town, then directions to go is also given below. In this way, you can explore the most beautiful and attractive visiting locations in Pakistan.
How to go skardu, baltistan, pakistan
Your route is as :Route # 1
Ghanche - Kharmang 90.3KM via Kargil - Skardu Road and Shayok River Valley Road
Kharmang - Skardu 20.5KM via Skardu Airport Road
Total Distance 110.8KM
Time to travel 2 hours and 46 minutes
There is no toll on this route.
No alternate route available