List of visiting locations in Pakistan

Altit Fort
Altit Fort, a historical landmark almost 1100 years old, is located on a big rock in Altit town in the Hunza valley, Gilgit-Baltistan at a distance of 5 km from Hunza Valley on the bank of the Hunza River. It was the old residency of Rulers of Hunza before Baltit Fort and it is also considered as the oldest building in Gilgit-Baltistan.
Guide about Altit Fort Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaAltit Village
From top of Altit Fort, a broad view of the lush green Altit Village of Hunza can be seen, which are constructed beautifully. Hunza is famous for its green orchards, forms and fields.
Guide about Altit Village Most Visiting Locations in of Altit FortAnsoo Lake
Ansoo Lake, the most beautiful lake, is situated in Kaghan Valley near Malika Parbat in Manoor Valley at an altitude of 13,940 feet. It is just like the teardrop shape, so named as - Ansoo -, means teardrop in English. It also looks like a human eye in shape.
Guide about Ansoo Lake Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanArang Kel Neelum Valley
Arang Kel is a small village near Kel and located on the hilltop at the distance of 2km on the height of 8,379 feet. It is just on the LOC, behind the mountain in front of you. There is no road to the village, so the only way to come here is a chairlift or hiking trek of two hours.
Guide about Arang Kel Neelum Valley Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyAsif Khan Tomb
Mirza Abul Hassan, known as Asif Khan, was brother of Noor Jahan and he was commander in-chief and later Governor of Lahore. He was died in 1641 and Emperer Shah Jahan constructed a Tomb for him near the Tomb of Jahangir.
Guide about Asif Khan Tomb Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreAttabad Lake
Attabad Lake, also known as Gojal Lake, is located in Gojal valley in Gilgit Baltistan at the distance of 122 km from Gilgit main city on Karakoram Highway. It was created accidentally in January 2010 by a massive landslide in Attabad village.
Guide about Attabad Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaAyubia
Ayubia, also known as Ayubia National Park, is located at the distance of 80 km from Rawalpindi, in Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is situated at an elevation of 8,000 feet above sea level and a large collection of pine forests in Pakistan and has a collection of 104 different species of plants. The climate of Ayubia remains cold in summers and that coldness becomes harsh in winter.
Guide about Ayubia Most Visiting Locations in of AbbottabadBabusar Pass
Babusar Pass, the highest mountain pass in Kaghan Valley, is located at a distance of 66km from Naran. It is very cold even in the summer. It connects Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with Chilas, Gilgit Baltistan with Korakuram Highway.
Guide about Babusar Pass Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanBaddomalhi
Baddomalhi is a small town situated at the right bank of the River Ravi at the distance of 72 km from Lahore on Narowal-Lahore Road. It is named after Muhammad Jahi Badhomalhi, who was granted a Jagir by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, and present Baddomalhi is the center of that Jagir.
Guide about Baddomalhi Most Visiting Locations in of NarowalBadshahi Mosque
Badshahi Mosque was constructed by Mughal Emperor, Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir, in April 1673 in front of Alamgiri Gate of Lahore Fort. Its work was supervised by Muzaffar Hussain, also known as Fadai Khan Koha, brother of Aurangzeb. It is the third-largest mosque in Pakistan and has a capacity of 60,000 people at a time.
Guide about Badshahi Mosque Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreBahawalpur museum
Bahawalpur Museum is located at the distance of 5 km on Medical Colony Ave Road via Railway Circular Road. It has a wonderful collection of coins, postage stamps of the former State of Bahawalpur, medals, manuscripts, documents, inscriptions, camel skin paintings, wood carvings, historical models and stone carvings, etc. of the Islamic and pre-Islamic period. There is a complete set of medals issued by State for military officers as well as for civilians.
Guide about Bahawalpur museum Most Visiting Locations in of BahawalpurBalakot
Balakot is the most important town in the Mansehra district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and is located on the banks of the Kunhar River. The Kunhar River flows in a very clam channel after Balakot instead of narrow and sharp gorges in the Kaghan Valley. Balakot is the gateway of Kaghan Valley, a lush green valley, which is a connection point between Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan.
Guide about Balakot Most Visiting Locations in of MansehraBaltit Fort
Baltit Fort is situated on Old Fort Road in Karamiabad, Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan just at the distance of one kilometre on a big rock. It was constructed in 17th century for the daughter of the balti ruler on the top of hill. Fort is presenting in Balti-style with balconies, windows, fireplaces, etc. Tourists can have beautiful scenery view of the fort with broader view of background mountain ranges.
Guide about Baltit Fort Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaBaltit Fort Museum
There is wounderful museum in Baltit Fort to represent its history and civilization of baltit people.
Guide about Baltit Fort Museum Most Visiting Locations in of Baltit FortBanjosa Lake
Banjosa Lake is located at the distance of 20 km from Rawalakot in Azad Kashmir. It is an artificial lake at an altitude of 6,499 feet within the lush green grassland, deep fine forest and mountains, which make it more charming and attractive in view.
Guide about Banjosa Lake Most Visiting Locations in of RawalakotBehrain
Behrain is a hill station located in Swat district of KPK. 60 km North of Mingora at an elevation of 4700 ft on the right bank of Swat River. It is named Bahrain due to its location at the confluence of the Daral and Swat rivers. It is known for its riverside tourist resorts, local handicrafts, and its view of the merging of the Daral and Swat Rivers. It also serves as a base camp for the trail that leads to the Daral & Sadie lakes.
Guide about Behrain Most Visiting Locations in of SwatBhurban
Bhurban is located at the distance of 9 km from Murree City at Kashmir Road and a very attractive hill station, at an elevation of 6,000 feet in Murree, Punjab
Guide about Bhurban Most Visiting Locations in of MurreeBolan pass
Bolan Pass connects Central Asia and South Asia. It has a historical background, it was the main gateway to cross the region for invaders, traders, and nomadic tribes. It is located in Toba Kakar Range in Balochistan between Quetta and Sibi, mountains are dry and barren. Traveling through the pass is the real adventure of crossing dry and dusty mountains through a number of narrow gorges of 89 km in length. Traveling through rail is more interesting while crossing Bolan Pass.
Guide about Bolan pass Most Visiting Locations in of QuettaBorith Lake
Borith Lake is located in Borith village at an altitude of 8,500 feet, near Husseini village in Gulmit, Gojal in Gilgit Baltistan on Karakorum Highway. The lake is accessible via 2 km jeep route from Husseini village adjacent to Ghulkin village. Alternatively it can be accessed within 2-3 hour trekking route directly from Ghuylkin at the end of the Ghulkin glacier. Lake is home land of differnt type of birds, so tourists can enjoy natural views of those birds in the lake.
Guide about Borith Lake Most Visiting Locations in of HunzaBotanical Park
Botanical is new modern style park near Jallo Forest Park. It has a collection of different kind of beautiful and colorful flowers and different kind of plants. There are many other attractions in the parks such as butterflies house, fish house, tree top walkway, tree house, etc. It is located opposite of Jallo Forest Park at the distance of 18 km from Lahore Railway Station.
Guide about Botanical Park Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreBRB Canal
BRB, Bambawali Ravi Bedian Canal, is started from Wazirabad Nandipur Canal and finally ends in the River Satluj for the purpose to irrigate the surrounding agricultural land. It also serves as a defense line for Pakistan against India. The famous Lahore Canal in Lahore is generated from it from Jallo.
Guide about BRB Canal Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreBuji Koh Sapat Beach
The Sapat Beach is one the famous sandy beaches in Pakistan. It is situated on the Makran Coastal line at the distance of 780 km from Quetta in Balochistan in Lasbela district. Buji Koh is the isolated standing steep cliff in the tides of beach, rising from the coastal sand. Rocky structure stretches along the beach.
Guide about Buji Koh Sapat Beach Most Visiting Locations in of LasbelaCentaurus Mall Islamabad
There are number of high rising building in Islamabad, one of them is the Centaurus which is beautifully designed by the British firm. It has three skyscrapers, containing 36 floors, with hotels, shopping mall, and residential floors.
Guide about Centaurus Mall Islamabad Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadCentral Library
Central Library of Bahawalpur is an old and important library of Pakistan in Bahawalpur, situated at the distance of 5 km on Medical Colony Ave Road via Railway Circular Road before Bahawalpur Museum. There is a huge collection of books around 1,05,000 in number. It is the second biggest public library in Punjab.
Guide about Central Library Most Visiting Locations in of BahawalpurChatorkhand
Chatorkhand is the main town in Ishkoman Valley along the Karambar River. It is a deep valley with high mountains. Along the Karambar River, greenery provides a very wonderful view with brownish mountains and snow-capped peaks at the distance.
Guide about Chatorkhand Most Visiting Locations in of GhizerChenab club
The Chenab Club is the social club in Faisalabad. It is located at the distance of 2km from Faisalabad Railway Station via Mall Road and turns right on Club Road. It provides a variety of activities to all of its members and visitors. The sports facilities include swimming, tennis, kids play area, badminton, and basketball, and there is also a restaurant offering all kinds of food. Club also has a medium-size library with some rare books.
Guide about Chenab club Most Visiting Locations in of FaisalabadChillum
Chillum, or Chilam, is the last village in Astore District and is the starting point to start the next journey toward the world highest plain, Deosai. It is also known as Chillum Chowki due to police check post there. It is a lush green area with grazing fields and crops, and number of running streams. Road is not in good condition, but still suitable to continue the journey, there are sharp ascends and descends on the road, which need extra power of vehicle to travel.
Guide about Chillum Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreChinar Family Resort Bhurban
Chinar Family Resort is a beautiful resthouse in Bhurban Murree with different facilities such as restaurant, meeting rooms, indoor and outdoor games, etc.
Guide about Chinar Family Resort Bhurban Most Visiting Locations in of BhurbanChitorri graves
Chitorri Graveyard, a historical ancestral graveyard, is located in Mirpur Khas with unique style canopy tombs. It belongs to the family of Talpur Mirs of Mirpur Khas, Sindh in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is located at a distance of 22 km from Mirpur Khas city.
Guide about Chitorri graves Most Visiting Locations in of MirpurChitral Lake
Chitral Lake, also known as Shindoor Lake, is located in Shandoor Plains.
Guide about Chitral Lake Most Visiting Locations in of ChitralChitta Katha Lake
Chitta Katha Lake is situated in the Shounter valley in Sharda, Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir at an altitude of 13,500 feet on the foot of Mount Hari Parbat. Lake can be accessed from Kel to Domel Bala by Jeep hired from Kel, and then trekking for 5km.
Guide about Chitta Katha Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Shounter ValleyCholistan Desert
The Cholistan Desert is the most popular and largest desert in the Southern Punjab, that is the part of the Thar Desert. It was fertile land in 4000 BC due to water from the Himalayas, but due to climate change and with scarcity of water, it turns into barren desert. It also has ancient settlements from the Indus Valley civilization.
Guide about Cholistan Desert Most Visiting Locations in of Ahmedpur EastChutair Tangi Ziarat
Chutair Tangi is one of the gorges along the road leads Ziarat City. Theare are more than six gorges around Ziarat, which are formed due to sprig water from the mountains. These natural streams in Balochistan are known as Karez.
Guide about Chutair Tangi Ziarat Most Visiting Locations in of ZiaratClock Tower Faisalabad
Clock Tower or Ganta Ghar is an old historical building of Faisabad, was constructed in British Raj. Building is located in the center of eight markets in different direction like flag of England. It is located at the distance of 2 km from Faisalabad Railway Station via Railway Road, turn left after General Post office building.
Guide about Clock Tower Faisalabad Most Visiting Locations in of FaisalabadClock Tower Multan
Ghanta Ghar or Clock Tower of Multan is located at the distance of 5 km from Multan Railway Station, on Abdali Road, It was constructed in 1884 during British Raj. It has three clocks on top of its building on three side. It is accessible through Daewoo Express Terminal Multan via Saheed Younis Road.
Guide about Clock Tower Multan Most Visiting Locations in of MultanClock Tower Sheikhupura
Clock Tower Sheikhupura is beautiful clock tower in square form constructed with red bricks. It is situated at Saddar Chowk on Lahore-Sargodha Road.
Guide about Clock Tower Sheikhupura Most Visiting Locations in of SheikhupuraCSD Park
CSD Park is a beautiful park for a one-day picnic and located at Sarwar Road at the distance of 4 km from Multan Railway Station via Sher Shah Road and turns right for the park after Multan Cantonment. It is the famous park in town where tourists can spend their time for a day. CSD Park is full of beautiful plants with colorful flowers and shady trees.
Guide about CSD Park Most Visiting Locations in of MultanDai Anga Tomb
Dai Anga Tomb is situated in Lahore near Begumpura on G. T. Road in Gulabi Bagh. She is the nurse of Shahjahan, the Mughal Emperor and she was died in 1671.
Guide about Dai Anga Tomb Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreDaman-e-Koh
Daman-e-Koh is another beautiful location in the Margalla Hills, Islamabad to visit. On the top of Daman-e-Koh, the broader view of the whole Islamabad is an amazing and memorable event of one\'s life. Pirsohawa is another attraction next to Daman-e-Koh for tourists. It looks most glamorous and wonderful in the evening and gives a shining and glooming view of Islamabad city.
Guide about Daman-e-Koh Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadDames Lake
Dames or Damas Lake is located at the distance of 85km from Dera Ghazi Khan city on Younis Khosa Road in Fort Monroe in Koh-e-Sulaiman Range. It is also known as Fort Munro Lake. It is a beautiful lake surrounded by lush green terrains. It is a favorite visiting spot in summer due to its cool and pleasant atmosphere.
Guide about Dames Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Fort MunroDanyor
Danyor is a tehsil in Gilgit District in Gilgit-Baltistan and located at the distance of 9 km from Gilgit City via the Nomal Road. It is located on Karakoram Highway on the opposite side of the Gilgit River, and at a distance of 19 km via Karakoram Highway. It is also a point of confluence of the Hunza River and the Gilgit River. After crossing Danyor Nala, Nagar district is started, which is separated from Hunza-Nagar.
Guide about Danyor Most Visiting Locations in of GilgitDarbar mahal
The Darbar Mahal is a historic fort located in Bahawalpur, Pakistan at a distance of 6km from Bahawalpur Railway Station through Railway Road and turn right for Girls School Road, on Darbar Road. It is masterpiece construction in red bricks and has an excellent view just like the ancient Mughalai Forts, but it is not a fort, it was a palace used by one of the wive of Nawab. Its interior construction is very attractive just representing the royal touch of princely State of Bahawalpur.
Guide about Darbar mahal Most Visiting Locations in of BahawalpurDarkut Village
Darkut is the most beautiful and remote village in the Yasin Valley, located at the distance of 40 km from Yasin town. It is the last village of Pakistan in the Gilgit Baltistan in Gupis-Yasin district at the altitude of 8500 ft on the foot of Ghamubar Zom mountain. There are around 2000 people living in this village. It is a center point for number of important places such as Darkut Pass, Karomber Lake, Ghamubar Zom Glacier, etc.
Guide about Darkut Village Most Visiting Locations in of Yasin ValleyDelhi Gate
The Delhi Gate was built during the Mughal Empire and is one of the six remaining gates of thirteen gates of Walled City Lahore. In Mughal era, it was the main entry point to lahore from Delhi.
Guide about Delhi Gate Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreDeosai Plains
Deosai Plains, also known as Deosai National Park, is located at the distance of 30 km from Skardu between Astore and Skardu District. Its average elevation is 13,497 feet above sea level and is considered the second-highest plateaus in the world. Due to its height, there is no tree in the Deosai Plains but full of lush green grass and flowing plants. It is also famous for wildlife and different kind of flora and fauna in the Karakoram Range. In the spring season, it becomes colorful due to those wildflowers and a variety of butterflies.
Guide about Deosai Plains Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreDerawar Fort
Derawar Fort is situated in Ahmadpur East at the distance of 130 KM in the South of Bahawalpur. It is a square fortress in the Cholistan Desert. It is also known as Bhati Fort and was built in 9th century by Rai Jajja Solanki, a Rajput ruler of the Solanki clan. Then it was rebuilt in 1732 by Nawab Sadeq Mohammad Khan. It was initially known as Dera Rawal, then became Derawar.
Guide about Derawar Fort Most Visiting Locations in of Ahmedpur EastDina
Dina is a small town in the Jhelum District at the distance of 200km from Lahore on G. T. Road in the beginning of Pothohar Plateau. So its landscape is attractive with small size greenish mountains. The importance of this small town is due to the Mangla Dam in Mirpur Azad Kashmir on the Jhelum River, that is the one of the main energy production unit in Pakistan. Number of small small industries related to iron, wood or marble are participating in the development of Pakistan.
Guide about Dina Most Visiting Locations in of JhelumDino Park
It is located on Pir Sohawa Road just near Margalla Ave at the foot of the Margalla Hills. It has a beautiful collection of models of dino family to educate children.
Guide about Dino Park Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadDipalpur
Dipalpur, or Depalpur, is situated on the bank of the Sutlej River in Punjab at a distance of 143 km from Lahore. It is accessible through National Highway N5, turn on the left at Renala Khurd before Okara. It is a largest Tehsil in Pakistan in Okara district.
Guide about Dipalpur Most Visiting Locations in of OkaraDuikar
Duikar is the highest village at the altitude of 10,000 feet in Hunza valley and is located at the distance of 11 km from Karimabad. It is a very interesting point to visit due to its height and you will get a broader view of high mountain peaks in front of you. The most common peaks such as Rakaposhi, Lady Finger, Ultar, Golden peak, etc. can be viewed at this spot.
Guide about Duikar Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaDunga Gali
Dunga Gali is a very attractive place for the hiker and trekkers as it is the base camp of Mukshpuri top, 9,200 feet high mountain. Dunga Gali has located 87km from Rawalpindi and just after Ayubia, its average elevation is 9,000. There is also a wonderful 4km track from here to Ayubia, that has a lot of beautiful scenes on its trek.
Guide about Dunga Gali Most Visiting Locations in of MurreeEidgah Astore
Eidgah is the central and capital town of the Astore District. Astore village and Rama Valley are important places for tourist near it. There are a lot of hotels and accommodations for tourists in this area.
Guide about Eidgah Astore Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreEmpress market
Empress Market is one of the most famous and historical marketplaces situated in Saddar Town, Karachi. It was first constructed in British Raj between 1884 and 1889, so represents a historical viewpoint while doing shopping there.
Guide about Empress market Most Visiting Locations in of KarachiFairy Meadows
Fairy Meadows, a lush green plateau, is located at an altitude of 3,300 meters at the base of Nanga Parbat in Diamer district of the Gilgit-Baltistan. It is a wonderful site that gives a splendid view of The Killer Mountain, Nanga Parbat. It is situated at the distance of 410 km from Islamabad via Naran-Chilas Road by turning right to Karakoram Highway after Chilas toward Fairy Meadows.
Guide about Fairy Meadows Most Visiting Locations in of Diamerfaisal mosque
Shah Faisal Mosque, the most famous place in Islamabad, is located in the Margalla Hills at a distance of 10km from Zero Point Islamabad. It is amazing creativity for those coming to visit the mosque. It is among the beautiful mosques in Pakistan. It has four beautiful minarets on the four corners of the look the mosque. The view of the mosque at night is more charming and eye-catching. Its construction was funded by King Shah Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
Guide about faisal mosque Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadFaran Tangi Ziarat
Faran Tangi lies at the distance of 10 km from Ziarat city on the side of Quetta-Loralai Road. There is a small waterfall due to spring water flows down from the mountain. It is a good place for picnic just 2 km from the main road.
Guide about Faran Tangi Ziarat Most Visiting Locations in of ZiaratFatima Jinnah Park
Fatima Jinnah Park, also known as Sector F-9 Park or Capital Park, is the largest park in Islamabad in Sector F-9. It is mostly covered with greenery having different kinds of wildlife. Park also has a kid play area, tennis court, cricket ground and clubs.
Guide about Fatima Jinnah Park Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadFort Munro
Fort Munro, also known as Tuman Leghari, is a beautiful hill station in the Sulaiman Mountain Range in Southern Punjab at an altitude of 6,470 feet above sea level, in Dera Ghazi Khan. It is located at a distance of 85 km from Dera Ghazi Khan city on Quetta Road. It is my favorite spot in summary due to its cool and pleasant atmosphere.
Guide about Fort Munro Most Visiting Locations in of Dera Ghazi KhanFrere Hall
Frere Hall is one of the many British Colonial-era buildings, located at the distance of 2 km from Karachi Railway Station in front of the Marriott Hotel, on Fatima Jinnah Road. This building has a very unique architectural design that attracts tourists to study the history of the British era. There are two gardens, now named as Baghe-e-Jinnah.
Guide about Frere Hall Most Visiting Locations in of KarachiGahkuch
Gahkuch is the capital of Ghizer at the distance of 72km from Gilgit City on Shandur Gilgit Road. It is surrounded by mountains on the bank of the Gilgit River. There are all types of accommodations including PTDC hotel for tourists. It is a lush green valley with high mountains. The view of the Gilgit River in Gahkuch is very of beauty due to the wideness of the river in this area. Another wonderful view is the confluence of the Gilgit River and the Ishkoman River.
Guide about Gahkuch Most Visiting Locations in of GhizerGanda Singh Border
Ganda Singh Border is an international border between Pakistan and India in Ganda Singh Wala village. The border is now closed after the 1970 war between Pakistan and India, but tourists can visit the area to observe the India-Pakistan border.
Guide about Ganda Singh Border Most Visiting Locations in of KasurGaram Chashma
Garam Chashma, the highest human settlement in the Hindu Kush Range, is the pleasant valley in Chitral at an altitude of 6,100 feet. It is located at a distance of 45 km from Chitral.
Guide about Garam Chashma Most Visiting Locations in of ChitralGattian Lake
Gattian Lake is located near Kaghan Valley in Neelum Valley, Azad Kasmir, at an altitude of 12,000 feet above sea level. The lake is at the distance of 2 km from Ratti Gali Lake on its backside mountain. It is alphine glacier lake, and the main source of water of this lake is from the glaciers on surrounding mountains.
Guide about Gattian Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyGhamubar Lake
Ghamubar Lake is a fresh water glacier lake at the elevation of 8900 feet in Darkut. After crossing the bridge over the Darkut River, a thirty minutes trek leads toward the lake on the left side. It is formed due retreating of the Ghamubar Glacier due to climate change in the area. The most of the area of glacier is completely vanished and converted into a vast bed of rocks and pebbles that was once a part of the giant Ghamubar Glacier.
Guide about Ghamubar Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Yasin ValleyGhamubar Zom
Ghamubar Zom is mountain located in Hindu-Raj Range, a mountain range between Hindu Kush and the Karakoram ranges, at the elevation of 6,518 meters in the Darkut town in the Yasin Valley Gilgit-Baltistan. Its summit is entirely visible from Darkut and Rawat village, that is summer village for the Darkut people.
Guide about Ghamubar Zom Most Visiting Locations in of Yasin ValleyGondrani Cave
Gondrani Cave City, also known as Shehr-eRoghan, is located at a distance of 175 KM from Karachi in Lasbela, Balochistan within the rocky mountains. Most of the people believe, this town was part of Buddhist monastery in 8th century. These caves are formed due to solid conglomerate rocks with several levels. There were more than 1500 caves in 17th century, but now only 500 remain. It is accessible from Lasbela city through a small trek that leads to the hill top. Trek is not easiy due to its steepness and rocky structure. At the end of the trek, you can see the mighty structure of caves in the rocks. There is also a small lake flowing on the side of the caves.
Guide about Gondrani Cave Most Visiting Locations in of LasbelaGorikot
Gorikot is the capital and the largest valley of the Astore District. It is a gateway to Nanga Parbat Tarisheng Base camp and to Deosai Plain that link Astore to Skardu. It has lush green plains with beautiful scenic views in the high mountains in attractive colors. Roads from Gorikot are mostly suitable for Jeep but other vehicles can also be used but with some care. It is also famous for fruits and vegetable fields.Gorikot also provides accommodation facilities to stay the night there to start the further journey toward Deosai or Nanga Parbat.
Guide about Gorikot Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreGovernor Cottage Chitral
Governor cottage is beautiful and graceful architecture which exemplifies the glorious and typical Chitrali style of construction. Now this place is open for general public. Governor Cottage is placed at a height location and surrounded by greenery. You will find many historical objects which are preserved there and are in very good shape. After visiting this place you will surely get an idea about the royal living style of Mehar of Chitral.
Guide about Governor Cottage Chitral Most Visiting Locations in of ChitralGPO Murree
GPO is an historical building in Murree near the end of the Mall Road, Murree. It was constructed in British era. GPO Chowk Murree is the most famous visiting place in Murree in front of GPO.
Guide about GPO Murree Most Visiting Locations in of MurreeGreen Fields Country Club
Green Fields Country Club is a modern-style luxury holiday resort near head Baloki, Bhai Pheru, Kasur at a distance of 70km from Lahore. It has a number of indoor and outdoor features such swimming pool, conference hall, horse riding, boating & surfing, indoor games, rock climbing, etc.
Guide about Green Fields Country Club Most Visiting Locations in of KasurGudai
Gudai is a beautiful village in the Astore Valley at the distance of 16km from Gorikot and 27 km from Astore village. Gudai is famous for the fresh water and trout fish in the area. It is a gateway to Deosai Plain, one of the world highest plains, from Astore Valley.
Guide about Gudai Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreGulmit
Gulmit, a historical town, is located in mountains, peaks, and glaciers in Gojal Upper Hunza, Gilgit Baltistan at the distance of 140 km from Gilgit on Karakoram Highway on the bank of the Hunza River.
Guide about Gulmit Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaGurdwara Kartarpur
Kartarpur is situated in Shakargarh at the distance of 27 km from Shakargarh main city. Kartarpur, also known as Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib, is the location where Guru Nanak is said to have died, was established by Guru Nanak Dev ji in 1522.
Guide about Gurdwara Kartarpur Most Visiting Locations in of ShakargarhHanna Lake
Hanna Lake is one of the beautiful lakes in Quetta at the distance of 20km from Quetta Railway Station via Quetta Road, and turns left on Hanna Lake Road, near Urak Valley. Surrounding hills provide a bird\'s eye view of the Quetta city. Lake has a very pictureous view of greenish-blue color with the sandy brown color of the hills and plantation of a pine tree on lake end add the more in the beauty of the lake. A number of colorful and different kinds of birds can also be seen there.
Guide about Hanna Lake Most Visiting Locations in of QuettaHarappa
Harappa, an archaeological site, is at a distance of 24 km from Sahiwal. Its name is driven from a modern village located near the former course of the Ravi River that is at a distance of 6 km from the site.
Guide about Harappa Most Visiting Locations in of SahiwalHazarganji Chiltan Park
Hazarganji Chiltan National Park is located in Mastung district near Quetta in the Hazar Ganji and Chiltan range of Sulaiman Mountains at an altitude of 3200 meters at the distance of 20km from Quetta main city. Natural lovers or researchers can visit the part to enjoy nature and wildlife. One can see Chilton and Markhor, wild goat, and other different animals there, as this park provides shelter to these animals. Large number of different type of species of birds and reptiles can also be seen there.
Guide about Hazarganji Chiltan Park Most Visiting Locations in of QuettaHazuri Bagh
Hazuri Bagh is the place between Badshahi mosque and Shahi Fort. It is a beautiful square garden with a baradari in the center with four rectangular parks with a line of fountains and water channels from the center of central baradari to all four sides. Every parks also have a crossed pathway inside it.
Guide about Hazuri Bagh Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreHead Balloki
Head Balloki is situated at the distance of 64 km from Lahore in Bhai Pheru on the Ravi River. Traveling from Lahore on G. T. Road, a turn right on Bhai-Pheru-Head Balloki Road from Phoolnagar, will leads toward Head Balloki. It is an important barrage on River Ravi and it was the part of the Triple Canal Project in British regime in 1915.
Guide about Head Balloki Most Visiting Locations in of KasurHead Tareemo
Head Tareemo, also called Trimmu Barrage, is located on the Chenab River near the village Atharan Hazari in Jhang at the distance of 290 km from Lahore on Lahore - Islamabad M-2, turn on left from Pindi Bhattian interchange on Faisalabad - Multan Moterway M-4. Turn left for Jhang-Gojra Road and finally drive on Noorpur Thal-Shergarh Road to access the Head Treemmo.
Guide about Head Tareemo Most Visiting Locations in of JhangHill Park Karachi
Hill Park is located on top of a hill in PECHS Society. There are many amusements such as a lake, food center, restaurant, etc. It is just at the distance of 8km from Karachi Railway station on Shahrah-e-Faisal.
Guide about Hill Park Karachi Most Visiting Locations in of KarachiHingol National Park
Hingol National Park, or Hungul National Park, is situated along the Makran coastal line in Lasbela district, Balochistan. It is the second largest park in Pakistan, covering an area of 6,100 square kilometers. Some of the its area is also located in Gwadar and Awaran. It is located at the distance of 717 km from the main Quetta city and 243 km from Karachi on the Makran Coastal Highway.
Guide about Hingol National Park Most Visiting Locations in of LasbelaHiran Minar
Hiran Minar, also known as Royal hunting resort, was built by Mughal Emporer in memory of his pet Antelope, named Mans Raj, in 1607 in Skeikhupura, also known as Jahangirpura. It is located at the distance of 5 km from Sheikhupura Railway Station and accessed via Hafizabad Road. A 30-meter high tower was constructed on his grave, which is circular and tapers toward its top on the flat platform. There is a spiral staircase having 108 steps inside the tower that leads to the top of the top. There are 210 square holes in the outer surface of the tower to accommodate the birds living in the surrounding jungle.
Guide about Hiran Minar Most Visiting Locations in of SheikhupuraHunza
Hunza, a mountainous valley in Gilgit Baltistan, is situated at a distance of 98 km from Gilgit city. There are several high peaks above 20,000 feet in Hunza Valley and provides a splendid view of many high mountains such Rakaposhi (25,551 ft), Bojahagur Duanasir II (24,045 ft), Ghenta Sar (19, 980 ft), and Hunza Peak (20, 571 ft).
Guide about Hunza Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaHunza Peak
Hunza Peak is located in Karakoram Range on the right side of Ladyfinger Peak, on the southwest ridge of the Ultar Sar massif in Batura Muztagh, at an altitude of 20,570 feet. Ladyfinger, Bublimating Peak, is a distinctive rock spire and snowless peak at this height of 20,000 feet. Both can also be seen from Altit fort within a beautiful landscape of Hunza valley.
Guide about Hunza Peak Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaIshkoman
Ishkoman valley is located in Ghizer district, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan, at a distance of 140 km from Gilgit City. It will be accessed on the right of Gahkuch along the Karamber River on Karambar River Valley Road. It is a high mountain valley surrounding by snow-capped peaks at an altitude from 7,000 to 12,000 feet in the Hindukush and Karakorum Range. The highest peak near Ishkoman is Shiniki peak, which can be visible from Ishkoman valley.
Guide about Ishkoman Most Visiting Locations in of GhizerIslamabad Zoo
It is located on Pir Sohawa Road just near Margalla Ave at the foot of the Margalla Hills. Zoo has a fine collection of different types of animals and animals. Dino park is another beautiful attraction for children in zoo, which has different models of dino family.
Guide about Islamabad Zoo Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadJaglot
Jaglot is situated in the Gilgit District at a distance of 45 km from Gilgit city on the Karakoram Highway. It is a very important town in Gilgit as it is a junction point of three main mountain ranges, the Hindukush, the Karakoram, and the Himalayas. It is also the confluence point of the Gilgit River and the Indus River. It is also a gateway to the Gilgit district as well as the Skardu district.
Guide about Jaglot Most Visiting Locations in of GilgitJaglot Town
Jaglot is important town as it is the gateway of Gilgit as well as Skardu. There is a bridge over the Gilgit River which connects it with Skardu on the Skardu Road along the Indus River, whereas on the Karakoram Highway Gilgit and other districts of Gilgit-Baltistan are accessed.
Guide about Jaglot Town Most Visiting Locations in of JaglotJahangir Tomb
Mughal Emperor, Jahangir, died in 1627 at the place of Rajauri coming from Kashmir to Lahore. He was buried in Bagh-e-Dil Kusha, a garden constructed by Empress Noor Jahan, at Shahdara on the bank of the River Ravi. His tomb was completed by Mughal Emperor, Shan Jahan.
Guide about Jahangir Tomb Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreJahlar Lake
Jahlar Lake is small but gives a very attractive, calm, and magical atmosphere. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Salt Range. Tourists can never ignore to admire its beauty, It is at a distance of 18km from Naushehra via Suraki village. Its water contains strong acidic elements due to there is no life in the lake, but even it is a living place for the number of migrating birds in the winter season.
Guide about Jahlar Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Soon ValleyJallo Forest Park
Jallo Forest Park is forest reserve area in Lahore and ideal location for one day picnic point at the distance of 25 km from Lahore Railway Station. It is number of playing grounds with lush green grass, plants of beautiful colors around them, and vast number of plants in forest reserves. There are also number of huts within the dense forest to enjoy the natural view of forest.
Guide about Jallo Forest Park Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreJallo Park Lake
Jallo Park Lake is an ideal location for one day picnic to boating. Paddle boats and streamers are available there. Inside the lake, there is a beautiful garden with rose flowers and many others. A line of huge trees around it gives one of the memorable evenings with a cool breeze touching the waters of the lake.
Guide about Jallo Park Lake Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreJamia Mosque Ziarat
Jamia Mosque Ziarat is located near Ziarat Mall on Quetta-Loralai Road. Mosque looks beatiful in the shades of mountains and its view becomes more charming under the falling snow.
Guide about Jamia Mosque Ziarat Most Visiting Locations in of ZiaratJasmine and Rose Garden Islamabad
Rose and Jasmine Garden is located on Shakarparian Hills in Islamabad on Kashmir Highwary. Park is an ideal location for nature lover with full of different types of flowers specially rose. One can feel the romantic aroma of flowers everywhere in the garden.
Guide about Jasmine and Rose Garden Islamabad Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadJhelum Valley
Jhelum Valley, a 50 km long valley located on the Jhelum River within lush green mountains, is located in Hattian Bala District of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, which is 40km from Muzaffarabad. The important areas of Jhelum valley are Chinari, Chakothi, Chikkar, Garhi Dupatta, and Awan Patti.
Guide about Jhelum Valley Most Visiting Locations in of JhelumJinnah Garden Faisalabad
Jinnah Garden, also known as Company Baagh, is a beautiful park, located at the distance of 2km from Faisalabad Railway Station via Mall Road, turn right on Club Road after The Chenab Club. It is a very old park in Faisalabad. A baradari is there within the natural beauty of colorful flowers and green and shady trees. It is the best for one-day spending to get comfort and relaxation.
Guide about Jinnah Garden Faisalabad Most Visiting Locations in of FaisalabadKaghan
Kaghan Valley, a scenic wonderland, is at height of beauty among many beautiful valleys in Hazara in the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan. It is one hundred and sixty kilometers long valley in the Lower Himalayan mountain range, having an elevation of 2,134 feet to 13,690 feet at Babusar Pass.
Guide about Kaghan Most Visiting Locations in of MansehraKalam Valley
Kalam, a cool and pleasant hill station in Hindu Kush Range, is located at the distance of 350 km from Islamabad via Mardan and Malakand on the bank of the Swat River in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is a lush green valley with a thick pine forest, meadows, and waterfalls. The best season to visit Kalam is in the months of April to August. Tourists can enjoy very beautiful and charming views of the Swat River in Kalam.
Guide about Kalam Valley Most Visiting Locations in of SwatKalash Valleys
The Kalash Valley, surrounded by the Hindukush Range, is located in Chitral district, Pakistan, at the distance of 36km from Chitral main city on National Highway N-45. There are three valleys, Bumburet, Rumbur, and Birir. From Ayun village on N-45, turn right on Bamboret Valley Road access the Kalash Valley.
Guide about Kalash Valleys Most Visiting Locations in of ChitralKamran Baradari
Kamran ki Baradari was built by Kamran Mirza son of Mughal Emperor Babur, in 1540 on the island in the River Ravi near the Lahore Ravi Bridge at the distance of 9 km from Lahore Railway station on G. T. Road just before the Lahore Ravi Bridge.
Guide about Kamran Baradari Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreKandow Banda Village
Kandow banda is a beautiful village in Karak district in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa.
Guide about Kandow Banda Village Most Visiting Locations in of KarakKarimabad
Karimabad, also known as Baltit, is the capital of Hunza Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan, located at the distance of 100 km from Gilgit main city on the west bank of the Hunza River. It is the best tourist spot in Pakistan especially Baltiti Fort and Karimabad village are the main attraction of this area. Karimabad town, located on the west bank of the Hunza River, the landscape of Karimabad is made up of huge steep sloping terraces.
Guide about Karimabad Most Visiting Locations in of HunzaKaschanatar
Kaschanatar is located near LOC, next to Bhimber in Azad Kashmir, at a distance of 117 km from Islamabad at an altitude of 390 meters. The Himalayan ranges in this valley are low-lying foothills so local residents make the forms by carving for irrigating crops such as wheat and corn. The Chanar stream flows in the center of the valley and is the main source of water for irrigation and other usages. This valley has historical importance, as the area was remained in use by Mughal Emperors 200 years ago.
Guide about Kaschanatar Most Visiting Locations in of BhimberKel
Kel is the most attractive and charming location for tourists at the altitude of 6,879 feet at a distance of 155 km from Muzaffarabad in Neelum Valley. It is the base camp to start your journey toward Taobat, Shounter Valley, Chitta Katha Lake, and Arang Kel.
Guide about Kel Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyKenhatti Garden
Kenhatti Garden is one of the major tourist attaraction in the Soon Valley, which is located at the distance of 20 km from Naushehra, the main town in the Soon Valley. It is accessed via Naushehra-Jaba Road by turning left after crossing Khabbaki village. The route toward Kenhatti Garden is full of picturesque and scenic views, which never be ignored by the tourists.
Guide about Kenhatti Garden Most Visiting Locations in of Soon ValleyKenhatti Village
In Kenhatti Garden, a traditional style Punjabi village is located, which becomes a main attraction for visitors. Passage is defined to move inside the village and house around the passage are decorated well to attract tourists. You are not allowed to enter inner streets of village nor even in adjoining houses.
Guide about Kenhatti Village Most Visiting Locations in of Kenhatti GardenKenhatti Waterfall
Kenhatti waterfall is a very charming place in Kenhatti Garden, which is easily accessed via 2 km trek in the garden. At the end of trek in Kenhatti Garden, a beautiful and fantastic waterfall is one of another attraction for tourist. They can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere around the small lake near waterfall and even take bathe but be careful as stones and rocks are slippery there. This waterfall and lake is part of the Gambhir River in this area.
Guide about Kenhatti Waterfall Most Visiting Locations in of Kenhatti GardenKeran
On the bank of Neelum River and just on the LOC, there is a beautiful valley called Keran at the altitude of 5,000 feet. There is a splendid view of the Neelum River at this point and one can enjoy fishing there too. Upper Keran is more beautiful small village at the top, and you can have a clear view of mountain ranges in the Indian held Kashmir there.
Guide about Keran Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyKhabaiki Village
Just before Khabbaki lake, the Khabbaki village is just located on the main Naushehra-Jaba Road. From the main road inside the Khabbaki village, small lake called Khabeki is located.
Guide about Khabaiki Village Most Visiting Locations in of Khabbaki LakeKhabbaki Lake
Khabbaki Lake is another very attractive lake near Khabbaki village on Naushehra-Jaba Road at the distance of 11km from Naushehra, the main town in the Soon Valley. There is a small passage descended down toward the lake from the main road, which leads toward the other side of the same road.
Guide about Khabbaki Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Soon ValleyKhanpur Canal
Khanpur Canal, also known as Canal Upper Chenab, starts from the River Chenab at Head Marala and ends in the River Ravi. It is a beautiful lake within the shades of trees, which gives it a very splendid view at various locations. One of that beautiful and charming locations is near Sheikhupura on Lahore-Sargodha Road. People often stay there to enjoy the cool breeze and pleasant atmosphere of Khanpur Canal.
Guide about Khanpur Canal Most Visiting Locations in of SheikhupuraKhanpur Dam
Khanpur Dam is located near Khanpur village, Haripur at the distance of 40 km from Islamabad, on the Haro River. Turn the right side before Texila on National Highway N125 for Khanpur village. It is a lovely place for a picnic and playing water games such as swimming, diving, gliding, etc.
Guide about Khanpur Dam Most Visiting Locations in of HaripurKhunjerab Pass
Khunjerab Pass is a gateway between Pakistan and China, at an elevation of 15,397 feet in the Karakoram Range in Nagar, Gilgit. It is the highest border crossing in the World and is located at a distance of 270km from Gilgit main city.
Guide about Khunjerab Pass Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaKumrat Valley
Kumrat valley is located at the distance of 302 km from Peshawar in the Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is accessible through Dir Road via National Highway N-45. It is an attractive place for tourists with full of picturesque places to visit.
Guide about Kumrat Valley Most Visiting Locations in of DirKundi Meadows
Kundi meadows as known as Seh Kundi meadows, are located behind Rajwal village nearly 10 km after Kaghan in Kaghan valley. It is a lush green plain on the mountain peak in Rajwal village after 5 to 6 hours of difficult trek. This trek is started from the main Kaghan-Naran road by crossing the bridge over the Kunhaar River.
Guide about Kundi Meadows Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanLadyfinger Peak
Ladyfinger Peak is one the highest rock spire peak without snow. It is situated along the Hunza Peak on the southwest ridge of the Ultar Sar massif in Batura Muztagh and clearly visible from Hunza Valley.
Guide about Ladyfinger Peak Most Visiting Locations in of Hunza PeakLahore Railway Station
On the occasion of Independence Day of Pakistan, all of the major building in Lahore and other main cities, are decorated with lights. So Lahore Railway station is decorated with colorful lights and represents a fantastic view at night on Independence Day of Pakistan.
Guide about Lahore Railway Station Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreLake Saif-ul-Muluk
Saif-ul-Muluk is located in Naran, Kaghan Valley at a distance of 8km from Naran at an altitude of 10,578 feet. It is one of the main sources of the Kunhar River and also one of the highest lakes in Pakistan.
Guide about Lake Saif-ul-Muluk Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanLal Suhanra National Park
Lal Suhanra National Park is situated in Bahawalpur District at the distance of 35 KM from Bahawalpur Railway Station in the South side. It covers an area of 162568 acres with different landscape including desert, forest, and wetland. It was established in 1972 to preserve endangered fauna and flora in the Cholistan Desert. Derawar Fort is situated in Ahmadpur East at the distance of 130 KM in the South of Bahawalpur. Chinkara, Blackduck, and Blue bull are the most immportant wildlife in the part.
Guide about Lal Suhanra National Park Most Visiting Locations in of BahawalpurLalazar
Lalazar is a beautiful lush green meadow with colorful wildflowers within a pine forest, it is situated at the distance of 21 km from Naran at an elevation of 10,499 feet. It is accessible through the jeep and the trek has wonderful scenes as the River Kunhas is flowing on side of the trek. It is also a lovely spot for camping in the Kaghan Valley and a good place to observe wildlife there too.
Guide about Lalazar Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanLeepa Valley
The Valley is located at a distance of 105 km on metaled road from Muzaffarabad in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. It is an attractive place for tourists, situated on mountains covered with pine trees. It can be accessed from Muzaffarabad to Reshian which is at an altitude of 10500 feet at sea level and then a jeep must be hired to cover the remaining 38 km, descends into the valley at an altitude of 5500 feet at sea level. Tourist visits this valley to enjoy its splendid beauty. The overall valley is divided into Reshian, Leepa, Chananian, and Reshian Dao Khan.
Guide about Leepa Valley Most Visiting Locations in of Hattian BalaLok Virsa Museum Islamabad
Lok Virsa Heritage Museum is located in Shakarparian Hills on Garden Ave in Islamabad at the distance of just less than 2 km from Zero Point. It presents historical and living traditions of the people of Pakistan both from urban and rural areas as well as from the remotest regions of Pakistan.
Guide about Lok Virsa Museum Islamabad Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadLulusar Lake
Lulusar Lake is the main source of the Kunhar River at an elevation of 11,190 feet. Its name is due to the name of the surrounding group of peaks. It is famous for its natural beauty and scenic views, the reflection of Lulusar mountains in the lake becomes a real attraction for the tourists. It is 56km from Naran after crossing Besal on the Naran-Chilas Road.
Guide about Lulusar Lake Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanMahal Nagar Mal
Mahal Nagar Mal, Minchinabad Mansion, is a beautifully and lovely constructed haveli in the middle of Minchinabad town at the distance of 35 km from Bahawalnagar. It was constructed in 1930 by two brothers Nagar Mal and Bhajan Lal, merchants of the Agarwal clan.
Guide about Mahal Nagar Mal Most Visiting Locations in of MinchinabadMahodand Lake
The Mahodand Lake is located in the Hindukush Range at the height of 9,603 feet, in Upper Ushu Valley in Swat. It is a beautiful and large-sized lake surrounded by meadows, mountains, and pine forests. The main sources of its water are glaciers in the Hindukush Range. It is located at the distance of 37 km from Kalam, a hill station in Swat.
Guide about Mahodand Lake Most Visiting Locations in of SwatMakuli Meadows
Makuli Meadows is another beautiful and lush green meadows among the snow-capped mountains. From the main Yasin Road, turn right along the Qorqolti Bar Nala near Shahman town after crossing Shuhda-e-Yasin tomb. Beginning part of the road is good for vehicle, then two hours trek is used to access the Makuli meadows. Most parts of the trek are full of lush green fields and fruit gardens. One can enjoy the magical sounds of Qorqolti Bar Nala along enjoying the fresh fruits from fruits on the trek.
Guide about Makuli Meadows Most Visiting Locations in of Yasin ValleyMalam Jabba
Malam Jabba is a very charming hill station in the Hindukush Range at the distance of 40km from Saidu Sharif in Swat Valley. It is the only ski resort in Pakistan. It is equipped with various facilities including ice-skating, roller, chair lift, skiing platforms, cable car, snowboarding, etc.
Guide about Malam Jabba Most Visiting Locations in of SwatMall Road Murree
Murree Mall Road is one of the best place to visit and to shop in modern styled hill station of Murree within the cool and pleasant weather. Every visitor in Murree loves to visit and walk on the Mall Road. There are number of restaurants and shops along the road. Visitors can purchase different items such as garments, entiques, precious stones, dry fruits, etc. Along the road, you can also enjoy hot tea and coffee from the number of coffee shops.
Guide about Mall Road Murree Most Visiting Locations in of MurreeMangla Dam
The Mangla Dam is the second-largest dam of Pakistan for the purpose of fulfilling the energy requirements of the country, located on the Jhelum River in the Mirpur District of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. It is also the 7th largest dam in the world.
Guide about Mangla Dam Most Visiting Locations in of MirpurManthokha Waterfall
Manthokha Waterfall is located in Kharmang Valley in Madupur village in Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, at a distance of 40 km from Skardu city. It is one of the highest waterfalls in Pakistan, with a height of 180 feet. It is a beautiful waterfall and famous for camping and fishing in Skardu.
Guide about Manthokha Waterfall Most Visiting Locations in of SkarduMargalla Hills
The Margalla Hills is a part of Himalayan foothills, located on the north of Islamabad, Pakistan. The Margalla Hills has an average elevation of 1000 meters. Tilla Charouni is the highest peak in this range. It also gets snowfall in the winter season. These hills have an attractive greenish view around the north side of Islamabad and provide a relaxing view for tourists. Pir Sohawa is the highest tourist spot in this area.
Guide about Margalla Hills Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadMasjid-e-Shuhada
Masjid-e-Shuhada is situated on Mall road near Regal Chowk and was constructed in the memory of martyr of 1965 war between Pakistan and India. The entire mosque is under a large size dome on the pillars and a cone shaped minaret on its back side.
Guide about Masjid-e-Shuhada Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreMiandam
Miandam is a lush green hill station located in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, in the Hindukush Range at an elevation of 5,900 feet. It is located at a distance of 56 km from Saidu Sharif, Swat. The main road along the Swat River, branches off toward the east side at Fatehpur, and goes into gorgeous hillsides, and reaches the famous hill station of Miandam. It is a very picturesque tourist point. It is a lush green town full of fruit orchards, terraced fields, waterfalls, etc. It is also a base camp for Dadsar baba top, which is a lovely site for hikers.
Guide about Miandam Most Visiting Locations in of SwatMinar-e-Pakistan
Minar-e-Pakistan, an important building, was constructed in memory of the independence of Pakistan. The resolution of Pakistan on 23 March 1940 was passed in the same place. It was the first call for the independence of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent. It was an important event in the history of Pakistan when a separate Muslim state was demanded.
Guide about Minar-e-Pakistan Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreMinawar
Minawar is located at 8 km from Gilgit City on Karakoram Highway after Chhamugarh in Gilgit District.
Guide about Minawar Most Visiting Locations in of GilgitMingora
Mingora is the head-quarter of Swat city along the Swat River. It is commercial hub for trade for all type of products. The local peoples used to purchases all of their household needs as well as fulfill the needs of all of the retailers in other localities in Swat.
Guide about Mingora Most Visiting Locations in of SwatMinimarg
Minimarg is a very attractive village in the Neelum Valley in Azad Kashmir, located on the right bank of the Kishenganga River, also called Neelum River, at an altitude of 2,845 meter. It is located at the distance of 536 km from Islamabad and accessible via Mansehra - Naran - Jalkhan, Chilas, then through the Karakoram Highway, turn left after passing Raikot Bridge on the Astore Valley Road, this road leads toward Minimarg after crossing the Azad Kashmir Border. Access through Neelum Vally is short but more difficult, only trekking and jeep tracks are available to access it.
Guide about Minimarg Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreMohatta Palace
The Mohatta Palace is located in Clifton, Karachi at a distance of 4 km from Karachi Railway Station via Hatim Alvi Road. It was built by Shivratan Chandraratan Mohatta, a Hindu Marwari businessman in 1927, as his summer home on an area of 18,500 sq ft. in Rajasthan construction style with pink and yellow stones.
Guide about Mohatta Palace Most Visiting Locations in of KarachiMount Sakesar
Sakesar Mountain is the highest point at the elevation of 1,522 meters in the Salt Range in the Soon Valley. In winter season, it also receives littlebit snowfall. It is restricted area now due to PAF airbase and radar system on top of the Sakesar, but tourist can visit its top if some of the armed force link available.
Guide about Mount Sakesar Most Visiting Locations in of Soon ValleyMukskpuri Top
Mukshpuri or Moshpuri is the second-highest mountain in the Galyat area in Nathia Gali in the district of Abbottabad Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, at an elevation of 9,200 feet. It is just located near Dunga Gali in the area of Ayubia National Park. It is covered with conifer forests and habitat places of different kinds of animals and birds.
Guide about Mukskpuri Top Most Visiting Locations in of MurreeMultan Fort
Multan Fort, also known as Fort Kohna, was built for the defense purpose between 800 and 1000 B.C. by the Katoch Dynasty in Multan on Qilla Kohna Qasim Bagh Road, near the Shrine of Shah Rukn-e-Alam at the distance of 3 km from Multan Railway Station.
Guide about Multan Fort Most Visiting Locations in of MultanNaltar valley
Naltar is a pine forest village in Gilgit at a distance of 40 km from Gilgit city. It is famous for its scenery and wildlife. Various animals can be seen while moving toward Naltar valley. A jeep trek leads to Naltar valley, and jeep can be hired from Gilgit.
Guide about Naltar valley Most Visiting Locations in of NagarNammal Lake
The most of areas in central Punjab in Pakistan become totally dry in the months of the summer season due to a shortage of rain. As Punjab has a wonderful canal system to irrigate such lands, but still there is a wide area that needs water.
Guide about Nammal Lake Most Visiting Locations in of MianwaliNanga Parbat
Nanga Parbat, also known as Killer Mountain, is located on the border between Diamer and Astore districts. It is locally known as Diamer, King of the mountains. It is the 9th highest mountain in the world, having a height of 8,126 meters. It is the most difficult mountain to climb due to its vertical and dangerous structure. The weather conditions here, are too much uncertain, within few minutes, it covers with clouds and temperature drops below freezing point.
Guide about Nanga Parbat Most Visiting Locations in of DiamerNaran
Naran is a very attractive and pleasant hill station, located in Kaghan valley at the distance of 119 km from Mansehra at the altitude of 8,202 feet. It is most beautiful and scenic location in Pakistan and loving place for trekkers, hikers, and tourists from all over the Pakistan, even from foreign countries.
Guide about Naran Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanNathia Gali
Nathia Gali is the highest point and hill station in the Galyat area in Abbottabad, and is located at the distance of 82 km from Islamabad via Kashmir Road via Murree. It is fully covered with shades of pine, cedar, walnut, maple, and oak trees. It is popular for its scenic beauty with lush green meadow and forests. Mukshpuri and Miranjani are the two highest peaks of the area, you can also enjoy the trek, with some hiking, to the top of these hills.
Guide about Nathia Gali Most Visiting Locations in of MurreeNaz Bar Nala
Naz Bar Nala trek is a fantastic hikking trek toward Naz Bar Pass and Yarkun Valley in the Chitral district. It is a jeep trek along the Naz Bar Nala and gives you one of more pictureous beauty along the stream moving two rows of mountains. From Thawoos on Yasin Road, turn left for it. Few kilometers of the trek is metallic road, then it is a totally jeep trek, otherwise it takes four to five hours by foot.
Guide about Naz Bar Nala Most Visiting Locations in of Yasin ValleyNoor Jahan Tomb
Maher-un-Nisa, also known as Noor Jehan, was a beloved Queen of Emperor Jahangir. She died in 1645 and was buried in his own built mausoleum. The structure of the tomb is 134 feet square, covered with red sand marble with flowers of mosaic in white, black, and yellow marble. All of the marble was removed in the Sikh regime. The central chamber of the tomb contains two cenotaphs, having an engraving of ninety-nine names of Allah, on the same marble platform, one of Noor Jahan and the other one is of her daughter Ladli Begum.
Guide about Noor Jahan Tomb Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreNoor Mahal
The Noor Mahal palace was built in 1872 like an Italian chateau on neoclassical lines. It is located at the distance of 5 km from Bahawalpur Railway Station, turn right from Railway Road to Noor Mahal Road. It belonged to the Nawab of Bahawalpur during British Raj, who constructed this palace for his wife.
Guide about Noor Mahal Most Visiting Locations in of BahawalpurPakistan Monument
The Pakistan Monument is a popular picnic spot on Shakarparian Hills in Islamabad, represent national unity. The monument is shaped just like blooming flower petals with inner walls inscribed with the outlines of Badshahi mosque, Lahore Fort, Minar-e-Pakistan, Khyber Pass, and Quid Tomb. Four main petals represent four provinces of Pakistan and three small petals three administrative territories of Pakistan. In the center of petals, there is a central platform in the shape of a five-pointed star, surrounded by water. A metallic crescent along the petals surrounding the star, representing the crescent and star on the Pakistani flag.
Guide about Pakistan Monument Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadPassu
Passu is a small village located on the Hunza River at the distance of 150 km from Gilgit on the Karakoram Highway next to Gulmit in Gojal on the edge of the Passue Glacier and the Batura Glasier. Passu Cathedral, also known as Passu Cones, at an altitude of 20,033 feet, provides very attractive view for tourists from the Karakoram Highway. The Cathedral Ridge has beautiful view just from the Karakoram Highway near Passu village.
Guide about Passu Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaPassu Cathedral
Passu Cathedral, also known as the Tupopdan Peaks or Passu Cones, is located at the altitude of 20,033 feet in Passu village on Karakoram Highway near the Hunza River. It is the most beautiful picturesque peak in Gilgit-Baltistan. It is worth staying here to get the beauty of this town in the high mountains before moving toward the Khunjerab Pass.
Guide about Passu Cathedral Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaPC Hotel Bhurban
Pearl Continental Burban is a five star resort hotel, nestled in the middle of a thick pine forest at a height of 6400 ft above sea level. From the hotel's balcony there is an extravagant view of the Kashmir Valley and its snow clad mountains. In addition to numerous recreational activities, which include a contemporary Health Club, a mini cinema, open air amphitheater, chinese and continental restaurants, and a sprawling golf course.
Guide about PC Hotel Bhurban Most Visiting Locations in of BhurbanPhander Lake
Phander Lake is the largest lake in the Phander valley and it has most romantic and charming colors which attract most of the tourists in this area. It is situated in Koh-i-Ghizer in Gupis-Yasin District. It is the main source of fresh water in Phander valley.
Guide about Phander Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Phander ValleyPhander Valley
Phander valley is located in Gupis-Yasin district in Gilgit-Baltistan at the distance of 184 KM from Gilgit on Gilgit Shandoor Road. The valley is quite flat like a palm, that's why it is called Phander as meaning of Phan is palm in Khowar language that is local language of the town.
Guide about Phander Valley Most Visiting Locations in of Gupis YasinPir Chinsai
Pir Chinasi is a beautiful tourist spot situated in Muzaffarabad at the distance of 30 km on the top of hills at an altitude of 9,500 feet. There is a shire of a famous saint, Pir Hussain Shah Bukhari, on the top of the hill, that's why its name called as Pir Chinasi.
Guide about Pir Chinsai Most Visiting Locations in of MuzaffarabadPir Ghaib Waterfall
It is a beautiful waterfall and a picnic point located at the distance of 90km from Quetta Railway Sation on Quetta Jacobabad Road in the barren terrain of the region. The water is coming down from the rocky mountain side-splitting into many streams and ponds, surrounded by the shady palm trees. It is a very beautiful spot for a one-day picnic within the sprinkling water of it. Pir Ghaib road is not constructed well, so four-wheeled transport is required from there, otherwise one can enjoy the trekking. The best time to visit the area is in winter, as there is too much high temperature in summer.
Guide about Pir Ghaib Waterfall Most Visiting Locations in of QuettaPir Sohawa
Pir Sohawa is a hill station in the Margalla Hills at the distance of 17 km from Islamabad, have an elevation of 5,000 feet in Monal village which is part of Haripur District. It is the highest point in the Margalla Hills and may receive snowfalls in the winter season.
Guide about Pir Sohawa Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadProspect Point Ziarat
Prospect Point is located 6km from Ziarat city at an altitude of 2,713 meters, which gives a splendid view of Koshki Valley. It is on the hill surrounded by Ziarat city. At the top of the hill, you will get a beautiful view of the valley sloping downside.From the top of the hill, you can also get a wonderful view of the highest peak in this area, known as Khilafat having a height of 3,487 meters.
Guide about Prospect Point Ziarat Most Visiting Locations in of ZiaratPTDC Ziarat
PTDC is the best residency in Ziarat city, and it is located just before main Ziarat City on Quetta-Loralai Road.
Guide about PTDC Ziarat Most Visiting Locations in of ZiaratRahimabad
Rahimabad is a beautiful and attractive hill station in the Nagar district in Gilgit Baltistan on the Hunza River. It is located at the distance of 33km from Gilgit city on the Karakoram Highway in very high mountains. It is a lush green valley along the Hunza River and has a very pleasant atmosphere.In clear weather, the Mt. Rakaposhi top can be viewed from the surrounding mountains of Rahimabad.
Guide about Rahimabad Most Visiting Locations in of NagarRaikot Glacier
Fairy Meadows plateau is a beautiful place at the top of the mountain in front of Nanga Parbat. This is Raikot Glacier from the Rakhiot Face of the Nanga Parbat. One have to cross this glacier to access the Base Camp to get the front view of the Nanga Parbat.
Guide about Raikot Glacier Most Visiting Locations in of Fairy MeadowsRailway Station Kasur
Kasur Railway Station is a juntion point, which is linking point of Lodhran-Raiwind Branch Line of railway treks in Pakistan.
Guide about Railway Station Kasur Most Visiting Locations in of KasurRakaposhi
Rakaposhi, also known as Dumani, is situated in the Karakoram Range and is located in the center of Nagar Valley. It is the 12th highest peak in Pakistan at an elevation of 25,551 feet. It gives an exceptional view from the Hunza valley and the Karakorum Highway. It is also a place of different endangered species such as snow leopard, brown bear, and Marco Polo sheep, etc. It is clearly visible from Karakoram Highway and its viewpoint on Karakoram Highway, is located in the town of Ghulmat in Nagar Valley.
Guide about Rakaposhi Most Visiting Locations in of NagarRama Lake
Rama Lake is located in Choungrah village in the Astore District in Gilgit-Baltistan at a distance of 122km from Gilgit city. It is one of the beautiful lakes in Pakistan with the wonderful beauty of greenery and snow-covered peaks around it. It is easily accessed from Rama Meadows in just a one and half hour trek. which a lush green meadow in the Astore valley.
Guide about Rama Lake Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreRama Meadows
Rama Meadows is located at the distance of 13km from Rama Village in the Astore District, Gilgit-Baltistan. Rama Meadows is a peaceful and calm place to enjoy the greenery in the Rama Valley within the attractive color structure of mountains. There are vast areas with lush green forests which makes oneself forget the tiredness of the long traveling to Rama Valley.
Guide about Rama Meadows Most Visiting Locations in of AstoreRana Resort
Rana Resort Park is public park for family near Head Baloki. The uniquness of this park is the bamboo trees, which create shadows on all of the passages in the park. Another uniquness is the carts with donkey, horse, and camal. People love to ride on these carts for the entertainment. There is also a small lake in the park, in which you can enjoy boating.
Guide about Rana Resort Most Visiting Locations in of KasurRatti Gali Lake
The Ratti Gali Lake is located in Neelum Valley at an altitude of 12,130 feet, it is also a glacial lake, as it is filled by the surrounding glacier waters.
Guide about Ratti Gali Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyRawal Lake
Rawal Lake, one of the most visiting places in Islamabad, is situated on Murree Road, Islamabad, next to Shakarparian National Park, and nearly 11km from Zero Point Islamabad.
Guide about Rawal Lake Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadRohtas Fort
Rohtas Fort was built in the 16th century near Jhulem in Dina by Sher Shah Suri to help the rebellious tribes of the Potohar against Mughal emperor Humayun and Gakhar tribes. It is located at 8 km off the G. T. Road at a distance of 200 km from Lahore. It was built on the bank of the Kahan river in the Tilla Jogian Range on a hill at an altitude of 2,660 feet.
Guide about Rohtas Fort Most Visiting Locations in of DinaRoyal Graveyard
Royal Graveyard, near Derawar Fort, is burial place of number of Abbasi family Nawabs of Bahawalpur state and their relatives. The graveyard is still under the control of Nawab family, so not open for public. It is only open for special guests and Nawab family members. It has number of tombs where wifes of Nawabs are buried, whereas all of the Nawabs graves are in a rectangular build in the corner of the premises.
Guide about Royal Graveyard Most Visiting Locations in of BahawalpurSadh Belo
Sadh Belo is one of the famous Hindu temple that is situated in the Indus River near Sukkur, Pakistan. It is famous for Teerath Asthan and considered as the biggest Hindu temple in Pakistan.
Guide about Sadh Belo Most Visiting Locations in of SukkurSadiq Garh Palace
The Sadiq Garh Palace is situated in Dera Nawab Sahib in Ahmedpur East at the distance of 26 Km. It is one of the biggest palace constructed by the Nawabs of Bahawalpur state. It is a three-storey building with basement. There are 120 rooms and darbar. Rooms are constructed for different purposes. There are two lifts in the building to move at the different levels of building.
Guide about Sadiq Garh Palace Most Visiting Locations in of BahawalpurSaidpur Village
Saidpur village is located in the Margalla Hills in Islamabad at the distance of 8 km from Zero-point on the Margalla Ave near Daman-e-Koh. It is a historical village and is now preserved in its original state.
Guide about Saidpur Village Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadSangla Hill
Sangla Hill is a small town in the Nankana Sahib District, and situated at the distance of 137 km from Lahore at 1,027 feet above sea level, and accessible via Islamabad-Lahore Motorway M-2 and then turns left on Khanqah Dogran road.
Guide about Sangla Hill Most Visiting Locations in of Nankana SahibSatpara Lake
Satpara Lake is one of the largest fresh water and natural lake located in Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan at a distance of 8 km from the Skardu main. A jeep can be hired from Skardu or you can enjoy the trek on foot. You can enjoy trout fishing and row boating there. It is the most charming lake and attracts a number of tourists every year. There is a picturesque island in the center of the lake. A short stay is possible there with a round trip on the boat.
Guide about Satpara Lake Most Visiting Locations in of SkarduSerena Hotel Islamabad
Islamabad Serena Hotel is located on Khayaban-e-Suhrwardy road, Islamabad, opposite to Jinnah Convention Centre.
Guide about Serena Hotel Islamabad Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadShaban Valley
Shaban is an attractive tourist point at the distance of 35 km from Quetta. It is full of green orchards of apples and other fruits. Travelling toward Shaban valley is not easy on non-metallic and damaged road, but one loves its natural beauty.
Guide about Shaban Valley Most Visiting Locations in of QuettaShahi Fort
Lahore Fort, also known as Shahi Fort, was built in 1566 by Akbar, the Mughal Emperor, and is easily accessed by bus, wagon, or any conveyance from Lahore Railway Station. It is the largest historical construction in Lahore with a number of beautiful buildings inside it. It is located on the northern side of the walled city Lahore. Its most beautiful part is Sheesh Mehal, and other main areas are the Throne room, the Diwan-e-Aam, the Elephant Gate, Jehangir\'s Quadrangle, the Naulakha and Moti Masjid.
Guide about Shahi Fort Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreShahi Qila Food Street
Shahi Qila Food Street is located on the Fort Road, Lahore at the distane of 4 km from Lahore Railway Station via Fort Road, just outside the Roshnai Gate in the Walled City Lahore with a beautiful view of Badshahi Mosque.
Guide about Shahi Qila Food Street Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreShakarparian Hills
Shakarparian Hills is a beautiful and charming place in Islamabad at a distance of 5km from Zero Point Islamabad in the Potohar Range. There is a hill in the park, which is the main attraction of the park. From that hill, one can have a bird\'s eye view of both cities Islamabad and Rawalpindi. It is the best location for a day relaxing with family or friends.
Guide about Shakarparian Hills Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadShalimar Garden
Shalamar garden, also called Shalimar garden, was built by Shah Jehan, Mughal Emperor, in 1641. This garden is one of the most beautiful architects of the Mughal Empire. It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage site in 1981. The design of the garden was influenced by the Shalimar Gardens in Kashmir that were built by Emperor Jahangir. It is spread on an area of 40 acres. It can be accessed by bus from Railway Station on G.T. Road.
Guide about Shalimar Garden Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreShandur Top
Shandur Top, flat plateau, is located in Ghizer district, Gilgit Baltistan, at an altitude of 12,200 feet at the distance of 212km from Gilgit via Shandur-Gilgit Road, or at the distance of 150km from Chitral via chital-Mastuj Road.
Guide about Shandur Top Most Visiting Locations in of ChitralShangrila Lake
Shangrila Lake, also known as Kachura Lake, is located at the distance of 27 km from Skardu main, in Kachura village, Skardu. It is one of the most attractive and beautiful lakes in Pakistan. Its beauty becomes more charming by the unique style of colorful restaurants around it. One of those restaurants is an aircraft, that had a crash landing near a riverbed in Skardu.
Guide about Shangrila Lake Most Visiting Locations in of SkarduSharda Valley
Sharda is a small hill station in the Neelum Valley and located at a distance of 136 km from Muzaffarabad at an altitude of 1,981 meters. It is one of the most beautiful valleys and is famous for its charming scenic attraction. Sharda Valley is located on the foot of two peaks, Sharda and Nardi. There are historical ruins of Hindu temples dedicated to the goddess Sharda. It remains a center point for Hinduism and Buddhism in the ninth century.
Guide about Sharda Valley Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleySheikhupura Fort
Sheikhupura Fort was built in 1607 in Sheikhupura in the reign of Emporer Jahangir, designed by Sikander Moeen. It was altered in the Sikh regime and many of the decorations of buildings inside the fort have Sikh-style frescoes. It was used by Jahangir for accommodation during his visit to a hunting place, known as Hiran Minar.
Guide about Sheikhupura Fort Most Visiting Locations in of SheikhupuraSheosar Lake
Sheosar Lake is located in Deosai National Park at the elevation of 13,589 feet and at the distance of 16 km from Chillum from Astore District, whereas from the Skardu side, it is at the distance of 65 km. As Deosai is a peaceful place, so Sheosar Lake is also popular for a calm and peaceful atmosphere within the endless plains of colorful flowers. Wild animals and birds can also be observed there.
Guide about Sheosar Lake Most Visiting Locations in of SkarduShimshal
Shimshal is a largest village located in Hunza district in Gilgit-Baltistan on Pakistan China Border. It is the highest settlement in the Hunza district at the altitude of 10,170 feet above the sea level, and located at 210 KM from Gilgit City. Shimshal valley is scattered around the Shimshal River that is a tributary of the Hunza River.
Guide about Shimshal Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaShogran
Shogran is located in the Kaghan Valley in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province and is one of the famous visiting spots in the valley. This hill station is situated in the midst of green pine trees at a height of 7,749 feet above sea level, at the distance of 34 km from Balakot, and 90 km from Abbottabad.
Guide about Shogran Most Visiting Locations in of KaghanShounter Lake
Shounter Lake, a beautiful and attractive glacial lake, is located at an altitude of 10,200 feet in the Shounter Valley in Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir. The lake is enclosed within the snow-capped mountains, so the main source of its water is the glaciers on those surrounding hills. It can be accessed from Kel, you have to hire a jeep from there to access the lake.
Guide about Shounter Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyShounter Valley
Shounter Valley is situated in the Neelum Vally Azad Kashmir. It can be accessed from Kel by using Jeep. This valley is normally covered with snow, so only available in few months of summer season. It is an ideal location for tourists who like trekking and camping.
Guide about Shounter Valley Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyShrine of Baba Kamal Chishti
The shrine of Hazrat Baba Shah Kamal ChishtiLulusar is located on Ferozepur Road at the distacne of 4 km from Kasur Railway Station. His shrine stands on the top of an embankment. There is a legend describes about the greate flood destroyed the town, leaving only the shrine of Hazrat Kamal Chisti. He is one of the famous saint among those in sub-continent who had played important role in spreading Islam.
Guide about Shrine of Baba Kamal Chishti Most Visiting Locations in of KasurShrine of Bahauddin Zakariya
Bahauddin Zakariya, 13th century saint, is one the most popular sufi saint in Punjab region. He is considered as a founder of the Suhrawardiyya order of Sufism. His shrine is located at the distance of 5 km from Multan Railway Station via Shaheed Younis Road, near Fort Kohna. His tomb was build during his life and all of the expense were also paid by him. It is beautifully constructed in two-tier architecture in square shape. Same design is also followed in construction of other tombs in Southern Punjab.
Guide about Shrine of Bahauddin Zakariya Most Visiting Locations in of MultanShrine of Bari Imam
The shrine of Bari Imam is, the most important shrine in Islamabad, located in the village of Noorpur Shahan, Islamabad at a distance of km from Zero Point, Islamabad. The shrine was first built by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.
Guide about Shrine of Bari Imam Most Visiting Locations in of IslamabadShrine of Bulleh Shah
The Shrine of Bulleh Shah is situated in Kasur City at the distance of one kilometer from Railway Station on Railway Road on its left side. There is also a mosque beside it, which is beautifully constructed in white and green tiles.
Guide about Shrine of Bulleh Shah Most Visiting Locations in of KasurShrine of Sultan Bahu
Sultan Bahu was a Sufi mystic, scholar and poet in Punjab province of Pakistan. He belonged to the Sufi order known as Qadiri, whereas his own mystic tradition is known as Sarwari Qadiri.
Guide about Shrine of Sultan Bahu Most Visiting Locations in of JhangShukargah
Shukargah is one of the beautiful valleys in Gizer near Chatorkhand in Ishkoman Valley. Along the Hayool Gol, there broader and deeper valley with lush green meadows and streams. There is also a number of beautiful and attractive lakes in this area.
Guide about Shukargah Most Visiting Locations in of GhizerShukargah Lake
Shukargah Lake is a beautiful lake in Shukargah Valley in Ishkoman near Chatorkhand on Hayool Gol. It is a very attractive place for a peaceful, calm, and romantic environment. From Chatorkhand, you have to turn on right along the Hayool Gol to access the lake.
Guide about Shukargah Lake Most Visiting Locations in of GhizerSiphon Fishing Point
Siphon is the important fishing point in Sheikhupura district near Lahore city at the Ravi River, near the border between Pakistan and India. It can be accessed through G. T. Road, turning left from Jallo near Wagha Border at the distance of 28 km from Lahore Railway Station. It can also be accessed from Lahore - Islamabad Motorway M-1, Lahore-Kala Khatie Narang Road and turn right to Ghazi Kakka Road at the distance of 69 km from Sheikupura Batti Chowk.
Guide about Siphon Fishing Point Most Visiting Locations in of SheikhupuraSiri Paye Shogran
Siri Paye meadows is located at the altitude of 7,749 feet above the sea level on the steep slopes in the Kaghan Valley. It is a lush green and fantastic beautiful location on the foot of Makra Peak and Musa Ka Mussala. It is located at the distance of 7 KM from Shogran.
Guide about Siri Paye Shogran Most Visiting Locations in of ShogranSoon Valley
The Soon Valley is one of the beautiful valleys in the Punjab Province in the Salt Range and can be accessed through Khushab-Mianwali road via the Khushab district at a distance of 288 km from Lahore. It can also be accessed via Kaller Kahar on Islamabad-Lahore Motorway M2.
Guide about Soon Valley Most Visiting Locations in of KhushabSost
Sost is the last town in Gojal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan at the distance of 184 km from main Gilgit city on Karakoram Highway before China Border at Khunjerab Pass. It is the last town inside Pakistan on the Karakoram Highway before the Chinese border. Thi is the small market and Dry Port for the carge coming from China, so custom departments and immiration offices are also located in this town. In winter due to heavy snow, border crossing between China and Pakistan through Khunjerab Pass remains block.
Guide about Sost Most Visiting Locations in of Gojal Upper HunzaSpoon Lake
Spoon Lake is situated in the Shounter valley in Azad Kashmir on Shouter Valley Road at the distance of 20 KM from Shouter Valley. Due to its spoon like shape, it is known as Spoon Lake. The main source of its water is surrounding glaciers, so it winter season it becomes the part of surrounding glaciers.
Guide about Spoon Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Shounter ValleySukkur Barrage
Sukkur Barrage was built during the British Regime from 1923-32 on the Indus River in Sukkur and its old name was Lloyd Barrage. It is one of the major barrage in Pakistan that is the part of largest irrigation network in Pakistan.It has 66 gates to control the flow of water for irrigation need of various adjoining regions. The 1,524 meters feet long barrage is made of yellow stone and steel.
Guide about Sukkur Barrage Most Visiting Locations in of SukkurSulemanki Headworks
Sulemanki Headworks is constructed on the Sutlej River between 1922-1927. It was the part of the Sutlej Valley Porject and an agreement between the Nawab of Bahawalpur Amir Sadiq Mohammad Khan V and the British Government.
Guide about Sulemanki Headworks Most Visiting Locations in of DipalpurSunehri Mosque
The Sunehri Masjid, also known as Talai Mosque, is one of the late Mughal architecture in the walled city Lahore in Kashmiri Bazaar, in the reign of Muhammad Shah. It is located at the distance of 2 km from Lahore Railway station via Delhi Gate in Walled City Lahore
Guide about Sunehri Mosque Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreSwaik Lake
Swaik Lake is located along the Nirooni Dhan Nallah in Kallar Kahar in Chakwal district in Punjab. It is also known as Khandowa Lake. It can be easily accessed through the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway M2 at 30km from the Chakwal district. It is at a distance of 10km from the main town of Kallar Kahar.
Guide about Swaik Lake Most Visiting Locations in of ChakwalTaobat
Taobat is located 39km from Kel and a lush green village in Neelum valley at the confluence of the Neelum River and Chhatri Nar. It is the last tourist resort in Azad Kashmir, at this point the Kishenganga River becomes the Neelum River.
Guide about Taobat Most Visiting Locations in of Neelum ValleyTarbela Dam
Tarbela Dam is constructed on the Indus River in Pakistan, and is the largest earth-filled dam in the world. It is located in Terbela in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, at the distance of 50km from Islamabad, on the narrow channel of the Indus River between Haripur and Swabi.
Guide about Tarbela Dam Most Visiting Locations in of HaripurThandiani
Thandiani, a hill station in the Galyat area, is located at the distance of 16 km from Abbottabad in the foothills of the Himalayas at an altitude of 9,000 feet. Due to the snow-covered Pir Panjal Range in Azad Kashmir, the weather remains pleasant and cool in Thandiani throughout the year.
Guide about Thandiani Most Visiting Locations in of AbbottabadToli Pir
Toli Pir is a vast hilltop area situated at a distance of 30km from Rawalakot, Azad Kashmir at an altitude of 8,800 feet above sea level. It is the highest mountain top in this region so you get a bird's eye view of Bagh and Poonch Rivers from Toli Pir.
Guide about Toli Pir Most Visiting Locations in of RawalakotTomb of Khan-e-Jahan Bahadur Kokaltash
Khan-e-Jahan Bahadur Zafar Jung Kokaltash was served as Mughal governor of Lahore. He was died in 1697 and buried here and his tomb was built by Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. It is located in Mohalla Ganj, Mughalpura, near Chubchcha Railway Crossing. His tomb was damaged by Ranjit Sign in his era.Tomb was constructed in octagonal platform by using bricks and marble, but marble was removed by Ranjit Singh.
Guide about Tomb of Khan-e-Jahan Bahadur Kokaltash Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreTomb of shah rukn-e-alam
The Mazar of Rukn-i-Alam is located at the distance of 5 km from Multan Railway Station via Faizee Road, near Fort Kohna. It is beautifully constructed and represents the true glory of Multan. One can see its huge dome from a distance coming from any direction.
Guide about Tomb of shah rukn-e-alam Most Visiting Locations in of MultanTomb of Shah Shams Tabraiz
The tomb of Shah Shams Tabraiz or sharine of Shah Shams Tabrez is located at the distance of 7 km from Multan Railway Station on Baba Safra Road via Shaheed Younis Road. He was a great Muslim saint who is spiritual instructor of Mawlana Jalal Al Din Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Mawlana Rumi. He came from Persia, so this tomb was considered as holy location by Shia sect. It is considered as World cultural heritage center by UNESCO.
Guide about Tomb of Shah Shams Tabraiz Most Visiting Locations in of MultanUchalli Lake
Uchalli Lake is the largest saltwater lake with lifeless water in Soon Valley in the Salt Range on the foot of Mount Sakesar, located at the distance of 17km from Naushehra on Khushab-Sakesar road, the main town in the Soon Valley. The main sources of its water are the surrounding streams in the area and rainwater due to the lack of a drainage system there.
Guide about Uchalli Lake Most Visiting Locations in of Soon ValleyUchalli Village
Just before Uchalli lake entrace and along the Uchalli lake, there is the Uchalli village with traditional Punjabi lifestyle. There are vast area of fields for different local crops around the road and behind the village residency.
Guide about Uchalli Village Most Visiting Locations in of Soon ValleyUltar Sur Peak
Ultar Sur is located on the southeastern part of Batura Muztagh range of Karakoram. Hunza Peak and Ladyfinger Peak are located on southwest ridge of the Ultar Sar massif. It is located at the distance of 10 km from Karimabad.
Guide about Ultar Sur Peak Most Visiting Locations in of Hunza PeakWazir Khan Hammam
Wazir Khan Hammam, also known as Shahi Hammam, was built by Ilmuddin Wazir Khan, Governor of Lahore in the year 1045, as part of the Wazir Khan Mosque. The building remained unattended or used for different purposes after the decline of the Mughal Empire.
Guide about Wazir Khan Hammam Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreWazir Khan Mosque
Wazir Khan mosque is one of the beautiful historical masterpieces in the walled city Lahore, is built in 1634-35 by Ilam-ud-Dinansari, known as Nawab Wazir Khan, Governor of Lahore in the reign of Emporer Shah Jahan.
Guide about Wazir Khan Mosque Most Visiting Locations in of LahoreYasin River
The Yasin River flows throughout the Yasin Valley, orignated from the border between Chitral district and Gupis-Yasin district, from the glaciers of the Koyo Zom, that is the highest mountain in the Gupis-Yasin district. River flows from the narrow line between the mountains near Rawat and Darkut village, and then most of the areas in the Yasin Valley, it flows in wider channel. Finally it ends in the Gilgit River near Gupis town.
Guide about Yasin River Most Visiting Locations in of Yasin ValleyYasin Valley
Yasin Valley, Babaye-e-Yasen, is a valley in Hindu Kush Range at an average altitude of 26,00 meters, in Gupis-Yasin district, Baltistan, at the distance of 128 km from Gilgit main city and accessible through Chitral Road from Gilgit along the Gilgit River. From Gupis town, turn right on Yasin Valley Road along the Yasin River to access it.
Guide about Yasin Valley Most Visiting Locations in of Gupis YasinYasin Village
Yasin Village, a romance of beauty, is located in Yasin Valley in Gupis-Yasin district at the distance of 42 km from Gupis town in the region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is surrounded by the high-altitude mountains of the Hindu Kush mountain range. It has an strategic importance due to having access to a high mountain pass toward the Yarkhun Valley and the Broghil Pass in the Upper Chitral district, which connect with the Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan.
Guide about Yasin Village Most Visiting Locations in of Yasin ValleyZankota Hills
Kandow village is a beautiful village in Karak district on the foot of Zankota Hills. Thre are beautiful views of landscape yellowish grey mountains with touches of green plants. On the top of hill, one can get a bird eye view of Kandow village.
Guide about Zankota Hills Most Visiting Locations in of KarakZarzari Picnic Spot Ziarat
In Ziarat City, there is a number of beautiful picnic points, which are hillsides around Ziarat City and attract a lot of visitors to Ziarat. One of them is the Zarzari Picnic spot, which is best for a one-day trip from Quetta. It gives a beautiful panoramic view of jennifer forest in the area.
Guide about Zarzari Picnic Spot Ziarat Most Visiting Locations in of Ziarat