Countless Adventures and Unforgettable Tourisms in Pakistan
Cultural & Heritage Sites
Pakistan is enriched history of various eras of the Mughals Empire, the British Regime, as well as historical patches of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Muslims.
Desert Areas
Deserts are the barren areas of landscape in this world, where little precipitation occurs. So it becomes difficult for plants and animal life to grow there. On the Earth, around one-third of the surface is arid or semi-arid.
Fishing Points
Fishing point is a specific area where public is allowed to catch fish on the site of river, lake, or canal. Fishing is full of fun activity that gives a relaxation and then restore energy after catching fish.
Green Fields
Pakistan is an agricultural country where more than 70% population is linked with the agriculture profession. Due to this, the lush green fields and meadows are the real beauty of Pakistan.
Hilly Areas
Hilly areas is normally composed of number of famous and World's highest mountains. Due to varying height above the sea level, the weather and temperature normally varies in these mountains and hilly areas, as well as the landscape and structure of the hilly area depicts variety of beautiful views that would never be forgotten from your memory. Some of these hilly areas also receive snowfall in winter season which attract number of visitors from all over the World.
Historical Sites
History is the most fascinating area which most of the people try to explore. People always struggle to learn about their forefathers, their living habits, as well as their culture.
Industrial Areas
Industry is the core in the development of any country, and it also plays an important role in the economic development of Pakistan. Vast areas are reserved for industries in the outskirts of the major cities as well as in remote areas.
Lakes & Rivers
A lake is a small size area filled with water in the depressed area, basin, surrounded by land. It is normally apart from the river or outlet that serves as a source or drainage of the lake. Lakes are the most beautiful and charming place in the landscape and it attracts number of tourists.
Markets & Bazaars
Pakistan has historical traditions and culture and it is represented in various bazaars and markets. Number of historical markets are still the important visiting locations in Pakistan.
Modern Livings
On the modern era, Pakistan also shows great modernism in the construction and development of various cities and building. There are splendid modern views of various beautiful buildings and town in all over Pakistan.
Parks & Public Places
Parks and public places are the favorite picnic spots for family and one-day tours. In every city, there numerous parks with number facilities such as playground, jogging trek, gaming zone, small zoo, and cafe.