List of all administrative units or provinces of Pakistan

Azad Kashmir

Azad Kashmir

Azad Kashmir, also known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir, is a self governing territory, administrated by Pakistan. Jammu and Kashmir is divided among India and Pakistan on the Line of Control by UN. Both of the countries claims the entire state of Kashmir as their own but issue was still under the conflict between Pakistan and India since 1949.

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Balochistan is the largest province by area and located in the southwest side of Pakistan. Balochistan has the least number of popluation but has its importance due to vast mineral resouces including oil and gas. The natural gas resouces are the second largest resouces in the World. Another development in Balochistan is the deep sea port in Gwadar, which will be main transit point for international trade between China and rest of the World.

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The Federally Administrated Tribal Areas, FATA, is a semi-autonomous tribal region along the border with Afghanistan in northwestern part of Pakistan. This area is under direct control of Pakistan through the Frontier Crimes Regulations law in the times of the British Government in Sub-Continent. Most of the people in these area never support Pakistan but with the passage of time, their next generation changed their minds and they demand for the merger of FATA areas in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa provicnce. So in May, 2018, the amendment was passed to merge the area within Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province within next two years.

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Gilgit Baltistan

Gilgit Baltistan is the fifth administrative part of Pakistan in its north side. Formaly it was part of Northern Areas, by the year 2009, it was granted limited autonomy under the Self-Governance Order of Government of Pakistan and renamed to Gilgit-Baltistan. Pakistan still not included it as a separate province due to Kashmir Movement in disputed Jammu and Kashmir held by India.

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Punjab is an important administrative unit or province of Pakistan, it is second largest province of Pakistan by area, whereas it is the largest province by population. The meaning of Punjab is, five-waters, as there are five main rivers flowing in it. Lahore is the provincial capital of Punjab, which is an historical and culture center of Pakistan.

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Sindh is the third largest province by area, whereas by area, its number is second. It is situated in the southeast region of Pakistan. The importance of Sindh is the sea port in Karachi, which is hub for international trade in Pakistan.

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