List of tour places in Punjab

It provides an inclusive collections of beautiful pictures of Punjab and all of the famous and attractive visiting places there. Travel guide about Punjab is also available to visit various visiting places there to enjoy the best and memorable moments of your life while exploring there.

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Explore Punjab Districts

About Punjab

Punjab is an important administrative unit or province of Pakistan, it is second largest province of Pakistan by area, whereas it is the largest province by population. The meaning of Punjab is, five-waters, as there are five main rivers flowing in it. Lahore is the provincial capital of Punjab, which is an historical and culture center of Pakistan.

Punjab has historical importance due to the Indus Valley Civilization in 2600 BC, discovered at Harappa. Then it remained as a part of the Hindu Dynasty in 326 BC, finally the height of its values in the Mughal Empire. At the time of independece in 1947, its was divided among India and Paksitan by Radcliffe Line. Punjab is also strongly influenced by Sufism, as number of shrines across Punjab.

Punjab is well developed province in Pakistan due to industrialization and better literacy rate in the provice as compare to other provinces of Pakistan.

Punjab is second largest province by area, and nearly 60% of population lives in Punjab.

The landscape of Punjab consists of fertile alluvial plains of the Indus River and its main tributaries, the Chenab, Jhelum, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas rivers. Punjab also has largest system of canals, which are mostly used to transit water from one river to other to irrigate its vast land.

There are also number of medium and small size mountain ranges in Punjab such as the Sulaiman Mountains, the Salt Range, and the Margalla Hills. Some of the area of Punjab is also part of the Thal and Cholistan deserts.

The weather conditions in Punjab are mostly extreme in summer as well as in winter, whereas moonsoon period causes heavy rain in July and August.